Kabul Travels

New Zealand Visa

Planning a holiday to New Zealand with your friends and family? Applying for a visa is now easier than ever. You can now apply for a New Zealand visa online. When all your travel hassles are managed by us, great holidays are a guarantee.

Documents Required For New Zealand Visa Application

  • Original passport and old passports, if any
  • The passport should be valid for at least 6 months from the date of return in India, with a minimum of two blank pages
  • 2 recent passport-size colour photographs taken against a white background with matte-finish without specs and sunglasses (size 35 mm x 45 mm and 60% – 80% face close-up)
    Note: Photograph should not be more than 3 months old, scanned/stapled and should not be used in any of the previous visas.
  • Covering letter mentioning details of travel, details of the traveller, purpose of visit and duration of stay. The letter should be duly signed by the authorised signatory with a company stamp and addressed to The Immigration New Zealand, New Delhi as per the jurisdiction
  • Original bank statements reflecting transactions for the last 6 months, duly attested and signed by a bank official
  • Income Tax Returns of the last 3 years

Additional Documents

If the applicant is employed:

  • Salary slips for the last 3 months
  • Original leave letter from employer

If the applicant is a company owner or self-employed:

  • Certificate of registration of the company / Certificate of Incorporation (MOA / Proof of Proprietorship / Partnership deed, etc)
  • Covering letter on the company letter head and financial documents

If the Applicant is visiting New Zealand for his/her honeymoon:

  • NOC letter from parents
  • Original wedding card
  • Original engagement photos (5-10 in number)

Why Choose Kabul Travels For Your New Zealand Visa?

Kabul Travels has been a part of more than one million travel dreams. Our personalised services make your travel experience simple and hassle-free.

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